WhatsApp Profile Picture Downloader
WhatsApp Lastseen Filter is a more accurate WhatsApp filter software. It not only can filter active WhatsApp numbers but also tells you if the users are online, or the last time they were using WhatsApp.

– Check 450 numbers from 1 channel (max from WhatsApp servers and timeout)
– Load/generate inputs numbers
– AutoSave result
– save Profile Pictures (in startup folder)
– save result in csv file
– can load and save url for profile images
There are a few reasons why you may not be able to see a contact’s last seen, example, they may have set their privacy settings to hide this information.
If you want to check more numbers (>450), then upload at least 5-20 channels
System requirements for all softwares:
– Windows 7 (with installed all updates), 8, 8.1, 10 (Windows XP not supported)
– 50 Mb free space on hard disk
– good internet connection
– installed microsoft visual c++ 2015 redistributable.
– installed Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5